We are on the last leg of this race! Barb has had another rough time with the treatment. I thought the first week and a half we might come home a week early (like last friday). However when I arrived last Thursday the chemo had taken her to that terrible place. I ask for the neurologist to see her again which they did, and ordered a EEG and a CT Scan. They didn't think she could stay still enough for a MRI. The test showed that she was having Metabolic activities not seizures. That was a real comfort to me. She again struggled with simple questions and general knowledge. I was so scared she would leave us again! We had a rough 3 days and she began to do a little better, and get a little clearer. I ask Clay if he agreed with me to take her off all pain meds except the ones she had had at home. He agreed! and by the 3 days end she lifted from the fog. Today she has had a bone marrow biopsy and they (with permission) gave her morphine to help with her pain, but she slept for 3 hours and is still sleepy! and a little confused when she woke up to eat lunch. If sleeping will heal her, she will be well by the time this wears off.
She will need drip antibiotics through the weekend to bring her CPR back down to 10 it is now at 88 after being 340ish. Her WBC are fluctuating but the Doc says that is good, she is rebuilding cells. By Tuesday he plans to release her, to stay in LR one night, then we will see Dr. Barlogie then come home!!
It has been a very tough time but we have seen God in all of this! He has answered so many prayers for us and others have seen Him through the whole process. If they were not sure about how much He is in control of our lives and he cares for His own, they sure saw it during this healing process.
Thank you all for your continuos prayers and love, cards, calls, text and emails! We could not have made it through this time in our lives had it not been for your encouragement!!
Malachi 4:2 But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. NLT