Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Well it is now Tuesday! 

The doctors wanted to know what kind on infection she has, so they have done tests and find it possibly is staph infection.  She has no cuts or anything so it has to be in her blood. Could it be from the recent hospital visits?  They want to continue the antibiotics till Thursday and hopefully it will be in check and they will start the chemo then.

 Please Pray this infection does not cause trouble for her  and that they will be able to start the chemo as planned on Thursday! 

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, January 27, 2013

From the Beginning

My sister, is a very special lady!  She is kind of a mystery to most Doctors too!
 In 2004 she was experiencing some pain and the Doctors were not sure what it was, so they did exploratory surgery.  She was shocked to find she had ovarian cancer! She had had a total hysterectomy 5 years before!  She had chemo and responded very well, she worked during the week and had chemo on Thursdays, rested and usually went back to work on Monday. Then, at the end of the 5 years remission they did a final blood test and found Multiple Myloma.  We had never heard of this, but found that in Little Rock AR, there was a World  Renowned  Doctor treating that very cancer!  God is good!  She thought it was going to be a 3 month treatment in LR but it turned out to take a year!  They got an apartment and we all traveled down to take care of her.  She was treated as an out patient and it was intense!  After the 1st chemo she was in remission.  But the plan was for a double stem cell transplant, so after much much chemo, taking growth factor shots, harvesting millions of stem cells, she had her transplant.  She came home a weakened and 84 lb lighter, but a cancer free person!

 In April 2011, a year after returning home, she was able to watch her youngest son be married, and the same year helped plan her daughters wedding who was married in August!  What a blessing!  This past year she was able to be there for her second and third grandsons' births.  She knows it is God's blessing to her to even see these wonderful life milestones!

During this past few months however, she has really felt weak and even had the flu 2 weeks ago and was put in the hospital.  During this time her doctor saw her and wanted to get to the bottom of this new problem.  Her blood counts are as low now as they were during the massive Chemo 2009.  So after a couple rounds of platelets not boosting her counts, he did a bone marrow test and found she now has Acute Myloid Leukemia.  With out treatment she would only have a few months or less to live.  So needless to say, she is back in Little Rock.  She was admitted to UAMS on Saturday and started on a round of antibiotic because there seems to be some infection in her body, possibly her lower lung.  She has had a cough that won't go away.  The plan is to put a central line in on tomorrow and start chemo Monday or Tuesday depending on the infection.  I plan to go next Sunday and stay till Thursday when her son comes to relieve me and then husband will be back on the weekend.  This is how we did the care giving before and it seems to work well.  We have been through a lot the past 2 decades but have been there for each other through it all.  

What I need from you, my followers, is PRAYER!  The remission of this one will only be by God's Grace.  The doctors' know it is a hard road but we believe,  "Is  anything to hard for God?" 
Genesis 18:14.  

I would love for you to send me verses for me to pray for my sister.   
Feel free to leave a verse in the comments!