Well it took a while to get here, but I arrived safely! It took me 45 minutes to get from Maumelle exit on I40. to the hospital, a normal 15 minute drive.
I did get here in time to hear what the plan is from the Doctor, that was my goal! We were very disappointed to hear that it is Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) but we now know what it is and what the treatment will be. She is ready to get started so life can move on! So she will have a 7day 24 hour per day drip of chemo with a piggy back (3 day) secondary chemo during the 7 days. She will become very weak and neutropenic , at that point we will wait for the counts to move back up. If they do not come back up at a good speed they will give her her some of her own stem cells that were harvested 3 years ago when she was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma.
Psalm 105 :4 Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
Glad that you made it safely down there! Not the news we were hoping to hear. We will be praying for strength, healing and maybe even some sisterly fun while you are down there. Tell B we love her!